Workflow Management with Smart DOCMAN in the administration in Industry 4.0

In the conditions of Industry 4.0 the organization of the administrative activities must have a higher level of effectiveness including in the conditions of remote working and with proper guide of the human communication inside the administrative teams to creativity and shared maintenance and usage of the knowledge. The cooperation in the teams will be switched to “hybrid” when robotized participants join them.

The system Smart DOCMAN is UPI-based sophisticated version of the system DOCMAN©AIS. It provides a complete environment where can be achieved the necessary for Industry 4.0 organization of administrative activity dealing with basic problems through providing:

  1. Unified environment for administrative work with information in electronic form

Smart DOCMAN provides the functional possibilities of DOCMAN©2.5  plus new ones which ease the administrative work. The remote (safe) work with Smart DOCMAN is available only with internet connection without any parameter requirements.

  • Effective maintenance of the procedure organization of the administrative work

Each administrative activity is presented in unified form as a procedure created of consistently completed stages.

For each stage there is an executor pointed out and for each procedure there is someone who is responsible for the control of its completion. The stages and procedures as a whole have a text description with which is documented the whole administrative activities. The stages that are completed automatically have program code in their description that performs them.

  • When starting (through document-shaped data) the performance of a procedure, for each of its stages there is automatically generated task for its completion
  • The document with which is started a procedure and all other documents created and/or are taking part in the completion of a procedure and maintained in a structure with a random organization. The maintenance is specific and combines comfort with safety.
  • The generated tasks for completing stages from procedures and documents which accompany the performance form the status of its processing which is also the status of performing of the corresponding procedure.
  • Achieving a high level of automatization of the administrative work

The presence of a formal description of the procedure maintenance creates a lot of opportunities for automatization of manually performed actions. This concerns not only actions regarding organization of administrative work but also actions when processing the content of document presented data and all other data maintained with Smart DOCMAN. The possibilities of automatization are increased because of the specific Semantic Network Based Architecture of the UPI-platform on which is built Smart DOCMAN and they exceed the functional border of the approach of Robotic Process Automation- RPA.

  • Natural integration of the procedure maintenance with ad hoc task setting

Not all activities in the administration are known in advance in order to be made a procedure description of them. For some activities this is not effective and would make work harder. Smart DOCMAN gives the opportunity for such activities ad hoc to define easily tasks to the corresponding executor that are analogical of the tasks generated automatically when performing procedures. At the paper documents this is called “resolution” and is performed harder and incomplete rather than in Smart DOCMAN.

That’s how the participants in the administrative process receive automatically targeted to each of them a stream of tasks regardless of the way of their creation and way of working of each participant – present or remote.

  • Achieving full traceability of the activities in the administration

Each assigned task contains automatically registered data presenting authorship and time of creating or completing the activities. Such data is maintained for each other activity with every type of informational object in Smart DOCMAN. The traceability is developed into a higher level that gives the opportunity to register the completed activities in the composition of their contractors, the managers of the activities done, and the reasons generating the activities. On this level are provided means for analysis of the completed activities which report not only their formal characteristics but also characteristics presenting the specifics of the activities completed by people and the specifics of the context they are completed in.

  • Smart control of the activity with the means of Smart DOCMAN

The procedure maintenance provides not only huge amount of sets of data for every possible forms of control of the activity but also procedure organization of the control itself with which is achieved “control of the control”. Simply the responsible one for the control of the execution of the types of procedures do the corresponding procedure controlled by them. According to the levels of management in an administration, above that level could also exist procedurally organized the current levels of summary of the data after being controlled and eventually recommend another way to improve.

Reaction from the type “escalation” of urgent cases when performing of procedure organized activities will have also procedure presentation and will undergo the main control of the activity.

  • Easy integration with outside systems with Smart DOCMAN

Smart DOCMAN is open for integration with all kinds of outside systems through creating specific “infrastructure objects”. Furthermore it has built-in interface for integration with the following outside systems:

  • Outlook
  • System file maintenance
  • Common editors of file content

Furthermore UPI-basis onto which is created Smart DOCMAN provides the necessary infrastructure for integration of modules with AI elements or usage of such outside services

  • Control of the procedure descriptions

The procedure descriptions correspond to a static organization of the administrative activity. In practice, it is constantly changing – for example contractors at stages of procedures may be absent for various of reasons. In the case of vacation, the vacation order itself may lead to a transfer of activities from the absent to a substitute contractor, as specified in the order.

The procedural descriptions themselves in the UPI-environment are objects subject to management like all other objects – documents, data about people and companies, etc. This allows in accordance with a change in the conditions of the administrative activity, or with the appearance of new ones to be performed, including automatically change of parts of, or complete change of procedural descriptions and thus the work of the administration.

  • Personal configuration of “manager oriented interface”

Smart DOCMAN gives managers the ability to configure a personal user interface, providing direct operational access to frequently used data and functions for their processing. This frees managers from the need to train to work with Smart DOCMAN and it seems to them like an application from their mobile phone.

  1. Smart DOCMAN and GDPR

Compliance with GDPR requirements is difficult in most cases, but in some cases an audit proves even more difficult to prove compliance. The main tool for solving the problems in both cases is the creation and implementation of the so-called “matrix of access” to data, including GDPR-sensitive data. Practice shows that this tool is very difficult to apply over 50-60 users of a system that supports 20-30 types of such data.

Smart DOCMAN tools describe workflows in a way that translates the relevant regulations for working with (including GDPR-sensitive) data into a fully unified form. The interpretation of such presented work processes also solves the problem of providing access to the data processed in their composition. The principle is applied here that the processors do not search for relevant data, whereby the search must be controlled (restricted, etc.)m but receive accurately only the data that at the appropriate stage of the workflow (i.e. according to the relevant rules) must will process.

In the state administration, the rules that regulate the work processes are created in the initial form as texts of laws and regulations and then they are transformed into a unified form of work processes with the means of Smart DOCMAN. Thus, the control of GDPR compliance is reduced to checking for compliance between the legal and unified presentation of work processes and the proper provision of access to data, which is guaranteed with Smart DOCMAN.

In the non-governmental/private sector, the rules for working with data can be created directly in a unified form in Smart DOCMAN, which eliminates the creation of an unnecessary text version. Thus, the use of Smart DOCMAN significantly facilitates the introduction of optimal work organization including the full implementation of GDPR requirements.

  1. Smart DOCMAN and digital twin

The idea of creating and using digital twin in management is still an exception, not a constantly present resource in management practice. The reason for this is the fact that the digital twin as an ICT-resource is usually a rather complex model that is difficult to create with standard programming tools. But in the UPI-environment of Smart DOCMAN this is much easier and naturally cheaper, because it equally supports both the processed data and their models.

  1. No code/Low code means

The embedded in Smart DOCMAN means for description of work processes makes it easy to create new ones. The descriptions are interpreted directly and thus the progress of the work processes is controlled without the need to create program code to the descriptions.

The workflow description itself is assembled from step descriptions. This allows the same stage description to be used repeatedly in the descriptions of many workflows thus increasing the added value of No code tools many times over.

If a stage of a process can be executed automatically, a minimum amoun of program code is added, which concerns the nature of the information processing. This program code is easily integrated into the workflow description interpretation mechanism, which saves creating program code to start this processing to maintain its interface, and so on.

  1. Transborder Smart DOCMAN

In the design of the Smart DOCMAN are successfully used two important features of the UPI-environment. These are the ability to support time points with the inclusion of the time zone and multilingual support of text descriptions. This makes it easy to use Smart DOCMAN simultaneously by companies whose administration works in several languages and is located in several countries located in different time zones.